Found the rock or at least the keel did

Monday – today we moved from Fox Island to South Benjamin. On the way out of Fox Harbour we had the nice opportunity of locating a rock shoal approx. 3 ft below the water surface. Our boat has a draft of 3.5 ft, so we hit the rock (going pretty slow) and rode right over it to the other side. We were a bit confused (and a bit shaken -- are we sinking, is the prop still there, so on and so on...) because the day before we had come through the same channel to get to the anchorage and had no problems. But today we went a bit on the North side instead of the South side and we found the rock. We slowed and checked the bilge areas for leaks and all was good. When we got to the next anchorage at South Benjamin, I dove under the boat (in very cold water) and the keel was fine. No damage, just a few splinters in the wood shoe on the bottom of the keel. Mark up another experience in our boating life.
South Benjamin was a great anchorage. We were able to stern tie the boat to one of the many pink granite rocks so the kids could just walk over to shore. The boys had a blast throwing water on the smooth rocks and sliding down the rock into the water. In the evening we took a dinghy ride around the area and noticed what looked to be a large log floating through the water. We decided to get closer and sure enough, it was a large black bear. We stayed behind him in order to not scare him (or us). He had swam at least 2 miles from a distant island. We sat in the dinghy in the water off shore and watched as he ate and climbed the 100 ft bluff. That evening we had a camp fire on shore and enjoyed the completely dark night – no moon and clouds.
A few days ago I taught Alex and Aaron how to play Chess and they have gotten very good. Tonight for our game, we had a Chess tournament. Alex let Mom beat him by helping her out and then it was Aaron’s turn. About 3 moves into the game, Aaron had Mom check-mated. Dad then barely beat Aaron – after losing to Aaron a couple times in the last few days.
Internet Update: No Internet Access -- just Verizon Cell phone coverage with Booster/Antenna.
I won't be telling my wife about the swimming bear - I want to get her and my son out for a couple of North Channel cruises next season!
I found rocks twice on approaches to the Benjamins after passing between Booth Rocks from the west. The first year, we struck a rock at slow speed in the narrow channel between N. and S. Benjamin Islands. The channel is ‘well marked’ ... but the markings are big rocks spaced maybe 30' apart and some submerged keel crunchers under the north half, leaving about 15’ clearance. The next year with 5.5 ft. of draft we made it through the narrow channel unscathed, but the cast iron keel of our sailboat rode 2 or 3 inches up and over another rock when we turned south toward the S. Benjamin anchorage. As you note, that’s quite a feeling – the boat elevates, but the skipper’s spirit deflates. I donned my triathlon wetsuit and checked the keel both times – minimal damage and the charter people were good about these incidents (groundings are sort of an ‘initiation rite’ to the North Channel). This particular little channel has turned into a personal challenge for me. Next season I’ll be giving it a 3rd try on my Catalina 22. With all my experience it should work like a charm, right? BTW: Thanks for the tips on wetting down the ‘rock slides’!
Capt. Bob
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